Dr Maryam Nazari

 Hello and welcome to my English webpage

My name is Maryam Nazari, a passionate learner and teacher, and an enable consultant

I specialise in information literacy, helping individuals and organisations learn how to learn in order to build and sustain their competitive advantage and to perform better

I use my expertise to understand what people do and what they are “really” after, help them recognise and gather requirements and resources they need to reach their goals, and enable them to use the resources effectively to fulfill their goals and raise their standards

 I graduated from Information School at the Sheffield University where I studied information literacy (IL) in e-environments and in the GIS discipline. Due to its novelty, my study won several international awards and scholarships, including WUN award in 2006, John Campbell Trust scholarship in 2006 and 2008, and got published in top-ranked international journals such as Journal of Information Science, Library and Information Science Research, and Journal of Documentation

Prior to my PhD, I conducted first national project on IL in Iran. First IL course for postgraduates and first IL book in Iran are some outputs of that project. Since then I have been helping institutions and individuals make their research and educational experiences more productive, by engaging them in the concept and practice of IL

I am very much interested in contextual research and practice of information literacy as I believe IL acts as an enabler only when it is seen and conceptualised in the context of actual situations that individuals and organisations experience in their everyday life


Building upon my teaching and research experiences in various sectors, now I work as an enable consultant and speaker, helping individuals and organisations understand and employ the unique capabilities of IL as an enabler


In this page I am presenting a summary on my education, publications and professional activities. You may find a copy of my full CV in the link below

Maryam Nazari CV

Thank you for visiting my webpage

maryamnazari76  [@]  gmail.com




PhD in Educational Informatics (Aug. 2009), Infomation School, University of Sheffield, UK

Thesis: Information Literacy for Online Distance Learning (ODL) Geographic Information Systems/Sciences (GIS) Programs

MA in Library and Information Sciences (2001), Tehran University, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Iran

Dissertation: A study of success factors of resource sharing in academic libraries in Tehran, funded by Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IranDoc), awarded by Kharazmi Festival

BA in Library and Information Sciences (1998), Shahid Chamran University, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Ahwaz, Iran

Professional Membership

۲۰۱۸-Board member of the Iranian Scientific Association of Information Management (ISAIM), Iran, 2012

Associate member of CILIP (the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals), UK, 2008 -2010

 Awards and Honors

PhD awards and Scholarships

Receiver of the best oral presentation award in the Iranian Symposium, London 2009

Receiver of ESRI grant to present a paper in the EUGISES2008 – sixth European GIS Education conference

Receiver of the Research Excellence award to present a paper in the IADIS 2008 – Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems

Winner of John Campbell Trust Scholarship in 2008

Winner of John Campbell Trust Dissertation Bursary in 2006

Winner of WUN Global Exchange Programme in 2006 to conduct part of PhD study in Pennsylvania State University as a visiting scholar

Receiver of conference sponsorship from GEES (Geography, Earth, and Environmental Sciences group of Higher Education Academy in UK) in 2006


Receiver of Emerald Highly Commended award 2008 for my co-written article on “A Study of Success Factors of Resource Sharing in Iranian Academic Libraries”

Receiver of best Master dissertation award from Youth section of the Kharazmi Festival, Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology, Iran, in 2001

Research Interests

Generative research and education mediated by information literacy

Contextual research and practice of information literacy

Contextual educational design

Information literacy for technology-oriented disciplines such as GIS

Information literacy in e-environments

Geo/spatial information literacy

Scholarly Works in English

Journal Articles

Nazari, M. 2016. Actuality of determining information need in GIS: a context-to-concept approach, Library and Information Science Research,  ۳۸, ۲: ۱۳۳-۱۴۷ – translated in Portuguese

Mohammadi , F,  Abrizah, A, Nazari, M & M. Attaran.  ۲۰۱۵٫ What motivates high school teachers to use web-based learning resources for classroom instruction: An exploratory case study in an Iranian smart school? Computers in Human Behavior, Accepted in May 2015

Mohammadi , F;  Abrizah, A  & Nazari, M. 2014. Is the information fit for use? Exploring teachers perceived information quality indicators for Farsi web-based learning resources. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science. Accepted in  Oct. 2014

Derakhshan, Maryam, Diljit Singh, and Maryam Nazari. 2014. The Contributions of Library and Information Science education to the development of competencies in determining information needs: an Iranian case studyLibri, 64(2): 144-154

Nazari, M. 2014. Reviews of recent research literature – ۸, Online Information Review, 38(2): 321-326

Nazari, M. and G.E. Gorman. 2013. Reviews of recent research literature – ۷Online Information Review, 37, 3

Nazari, M. 2013. Reviews of recent research literature – ۶Online Information Review, 37,1

Nazari, M. 2012. Information Users and Usability in the Digital Age (book review)Online Information Review, 36(5):768 – ۷۶۹

Nazari, M. and G.E. Gorman. 2012. Reviews of recent research literature – ۵Online Information Review, 36, 5

Nazari, M. 2012. Reviews of recent research literature – ۳Online Information Review, 36, 2

Nazari, Maryam and Sheila Webber. 2012. Loss of faith in the origins of information literacy in e-environments: proposal for a holistic approachJournal of Librarianship and Information Science. 44(2): 97-107

Nazari, M. 2011. Reviews of recent research literature – ۲Online Information Review, 35, 6

Nazari, Maryam. 2011. A contextual model of information literacyJournal of Information Science. 37(4): 345-359

Nazari, Maryam, and Sheila Webber. 2011. What do the conceptions of geospatial information tell us about information literacyJournal of Documentation. 67(2): 334-354

Nazari, Maryam. 2010. Design and process of a contextual study of information literacy: an Eisenhardt approach. Library and Information Science Research. 32 (3): 179-191

Alidousti, Sirus; Maryam Nazari and Mohammad Abooyee Ardakan. 2008. A Study of Success Factors of Resource Sharing in Iranian Academic LibrariesLibrary Management. 29 (8/9): 711-728 (receiver of Emerald Highly Commended Award 2008)

Nazari, Maryam. 2007. An Overview to E-learning Concept and Constructs. Information Management (a Persian Quarterly published in English), 1(3/4): 143-152

 Refereed International Conference Papers

Nazari, Maryam and Sheila Webber. 2008. Conceptions of Geospatial Information in Online Distance Learning GIS Programmes. MCCSIS’08: IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, IADIS Press

Nazari, Maryam and Sheila Webber. 2008. Model of Geo/Spatial Information Literacy. EUGISES2008: Sixth European GIS Education Seminar. Cirencester, UK: 11-14 September

Workshops and Talks 

An introduction to the “what”, “why” and “how” of worthy research, 21st Nov. 2012, Iranian Scientific Association of Information Management, in Irandoc, Tehran, Iran

How to supervise worthy research?, 23rd May 2012, Academic Research Development Centre (ADeC), University of Malaya

An introduction to the “what”, “why” and “how” of worthy research, 18th May 2012, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya

How to design worthy research? Series of Workshops on the Behind the Scene of Worthy Research, 20th April 2012. IPS, University of Malaya

Generative design, Effective delivery. Pre- Postgraduate Research Excellence Symposium, 30th March 2012. Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University Malaya

How to do contextual research? A series of workshops for PhDs and Masters, 26th Jan. 2011 and 26th Nov. 2011, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University Malaya

Research Is More Than Counting Beans: Series of Workshops on Qualitative Methods for PhD and Masters Students, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University Malaya, topics covered as follows

How to do contextual research, 26th Nov. 2011

A fresh view to literature review for PhDs, 19th Nov. 2011

Qualitative data analysis, 20th July 2011

How to design research, 29th June 2011

Theory and Practice of Case Study Methodology for Information Literacy Research. Delivered to postgraduate students in the Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield, March 2009

Model of Geo/Spatial Information Literacy (MG/SIL): an innovative model for GI education and research. Invited by giCentre, Department of Information Science, City University, London. October 2008

Conceptions of GIS: implications for information literacy. Centre for Information Literacy Research: Summer Event. Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield, August 2008

Conceptions of Geo/spatial Information: implications for information literacy education. Information Literacy: Research and Strategy Seminar, Centre for Information Literacy Research, University of Sheffield, March 2008

Perceptions of GIS and Geospatial Information in an Online Educational Context in the USA. Presented in the Geographic Information Science Academy e-seminar series. 7th March 2007

Adapting Information Literacy SCONUL Model to the UK E-learning Context. 26th May 2005, University of Leeds poster competition

Adapting the Seven Pillars of Information Skills (SCONUL model) to the UK E-learning Context. In departmental advisory panel, April 2005, Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield

Selection of Publications in Farsi 

Nazari, Maryam, and Farhad Shirani. 2011. Principles of Classification and Managing Civil Engineering Maps. Tehran: Entekhab_no Publication

Nazari, Maryam. 2005. Information Literacy. Tehran: IranDoc

Nazari, Maryam. 2005. Higher Education Entrance Exams for Library and Information Sciences Students at Level of Bachelor, Master, and PhD. Tehran: Entekhab_ no Publication

Mattessich, Paul W. and Brbara R. Monsey. 1994. Collaboration: What Makes It Work. Translated by Maryam Nazari and Sirus Alidousti. 2002. Tehran: IranDoc

Nazari, Maryam, and Sirus Alidousti. 2001. Principles and Functions of Program Expanding of Special Library Services to Non-members. Tehran: IranDoc

Harbour, Robin T. 1994. Managing Library Automation. Translated by Maryam Nazari. 2001. Tehran: IranDoc

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

Nazari, Maryam. 2013. How to spot gap in generative research: a proposal for two maps: knowledge map and research map. Academic Librarianship and Information Research, 47(1): 27-48

Nazari, Maryam. 2006. Structure and Content of the Information Literacy Portal for Iranian Graduate Modules. IranDoc Quarterly of Science and Technology (21)2: 71-84

Alidousti, Sirus, and Maryam Nazari. 2006. A Study of Success Factors of Resource Sharing in Libraries of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of Iran. Library and information Science Journal of Astane Qodse Razavi (35)3: 39-66

Nazari, Maryam. 2006. How to become an Information Literate. Library and Information Sciences Journal of Astane Qodse Razavi (8)2: 27-58

Nazari, Maryam. 2006. Information Literacy for Postgraduate Curriculum in Iran. Library and Information Sciences Journal of Astane Qodse Razavi (9)2

Alidousti, Sirus, and Maryam Nazari. 2006. Success Factors of Library Cooperation and Resource Sharing: a Systematic and Strategic Approach. Library and Information Sciences Journal of Astane Qodse Razavi (8)4: 5-32

Shirani, Farhad, and Maryam Nazari. 2006. Principles of Classification, Storage, and Retrieval Civil Engineering maps information. Library and Information Sciences Journal of Astane Qodse Razavi (8) 3: 19-48

Radar, Hannelore B. [2002]. Information Literacy: An Emerging Global Priority. Translated to Farsi by Maryam Nazari. 2005. Journal of Information Sciences Quarterly (20)1

Nazari, Maryam. 2004. Information Resource Sharing: A Canadian Strategy. Journal of Information Sciences (Quarterly) 19(1, 2): 51-63

Siyi, Li, and Liu Min. 1996. Information System for S&T Long-Term Planning (ISSATP). Presented in 48th FID Conference and Congress Graz. Translated to Farsi by Maryam Nazari. 2003. Journal of Information Sciences (Quarterly) (18)1, 2: 84-89

Nazari, Maryam. 2002. Loan Libraries. Encyclopaedia of Library & Information Sciences (Vol.1): Tehran: Iran National Library

Nazari, Maryam, and Sirus Alidousti. 2001. Principles and Functions of the Program Expanding of Special Library Services to Non-members. Journal of Information Sciences (Quarterly). (16)1, 2: 70-86